Customise your Powerwall with Tesla App

Tesla app offers you an optimization for energy independence, outage protection or savings.

HARRISONS: NZ's only premium certified installer

Monitor and optimise

The Tesla app allows you to manage your Tesla products from anywhere. By providing you with a comprehensive view of your energy ecosystem, the Tesla app helps you monitor day-to-day operations and understand the flow of energy in your home.

Customising and Controlling Your Powerwall

You can customise your Powerwall according to your energy preferences. In the ‘Settings’ menu, you can set different control modes that change how your Powerwall is charged and discharged.

Energy management reinvented

Solar power is becoming the favored energy choice for Kiwis due to the benefits it offers. Our climate and independent living situations make this an ideal set-up for making the most of solar.

Understand your Solar System

Identify consumption patterns

Optimize your consumption

Decorative Curve

Book a Free Quote Today!

Book a FREE on-site measure and quote at a time that suits you, and we can also give you a proposal on the spot.

Harrisons  on-site measure to a customer

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