Say Hello to Qcells Q.Home Core Battery

Get peace-of-mind with integrated solar Inverter and Battery Storage solution with 15 year product warranty.

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HARRISONS: Exclusive NZ DistributoR

Modular & Scalable Battery

Never compromise between performance and design with the latest, state-of-the-art German-engineered 6.8kWh Battery Storage solution from Qcells.

Ideal for small to medium power users. Able to be retrofitted onto the existing solar system.

Why Qcells Q.Home Core Battery?

Engineered in Germany
Assembled in South Korea
Easy and Fast Installation
Credible 15-year product AND performance warranty
Maximum Energy Generation
Samsung SDI battery cells

Better energy management with Q.OMMAND HOME

Q.OMMAND HOME web application provides features of full visibility on your system’s performance. View how much energy your Solar Panels generate and how much of that energy is being stored in the Battery and consumed.

Qcells Q.Home Core Features

Scalable Battery

Scalable battery from 6.8 kWh, 13.7 kWh and 20.5 kWh to suit your energy needs

Easy installation

Equipment design emphasizing improved simplicity of installation

Dynamic optimiser mode

Algorithm maximises energy yields by incorporating real-time weather information

Qcells Q.Home Core battery
ATS-free seamless control

Seamless operation mode conversion for continuous and stable backup without ATS on both circumstances, grid fault and restoration

Enhanced reliability

Excellent system reliability with Samsung SDI battery cells

Extended warranty

Credible 15-year product AND performance warranty

Performance Specifications
Battery Energy
6.8kWh ~ 20.5kWh
PV DATA Max. Input Usable Power
8kWp ( 4kWp per MPPT)
BATTERY DATA Max. Charge/Discharge Power
5kW (min. 2 battery pack)
Efficiency Specs
Solar System to Grid (Max.efficiency)
Solar System to Battery (Max.efficiency)
Battery to Grid (Max.efficiency)
Inverter Format / Weight
460 × 700 × 221 ㎜ / 37.5 ㎏
Storage Format / Weight
460 × 700 × 238 ㎜ / 61.1 ㎏
Wall-mounted / Floor-standing

Frequently Asked

All your Solar questions answered

Can the Battery be retrofitted to my Solar System?

Yes, it could be possible to addBattery Energy Storageto your existingSolar System, but there are a few things you need to check first with yourHarrisons Solar Expert.

Can one Battery power my whole home?

For most homeowners, electricity from a single battery will not fully power your whole home. Many NZ homes have high energy consumption appliances (such as a dishwasher, dryer, A/C or heat pump) that would require more electricity than is provided by one Battery. When installing a Battery, we will map your Battery to your critical loads - your most needed lights and appliances.

How does Solar Battery Storage work?

YourSolar Panel Systemcan often produce more power than you need, especially on sunny days when no one is home. If you haveSolar Battery Storage– any excess energy from your Solar Panels will be used to charge your Battery.

At night, during low Solar production or power outages – your Solar Battery will power your home, which reduces your reliance upon the grid for electricity.


How we have helped our customers

Hear from some of our customers on how solar has slashed their power bill.

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Book a FREE on-site measure and quote at a time that suits you, and we can also give you a proposal on the spot.
