knowledge article

Why Are Solar Panels A Good Investment?


Are you still thinking of getting Solar Panels for your property? Want to know how it'll impact your property value? We've got it covered. Here are some facts about Solar Panels and what investing in them can mean.

Do Solar Panels increase home value?

The short answer is, yes — Solar Panels do add value to a house, on average, around $35,000 extra!

Multiple researchers around the globe confirm that buyers are willing to pay more for a property with pre-installed Solar Panels. Most of the expenses related to Solar energy are upfront; you start to save money over time. But when you buy a house that already has a Solar System, you start saving right away.

A Solar System has a lifetime of 25-30 years (we recommend choosing Solar Panels with an extended product warranty like LG - 25-year product warranty AND 25 years performance warranty), during which time the property owner benefits from reduced (or sometimes eliminated) energy costs. As utility rates continue to rise, this benefit grows, and monthly savings increase.

How much do Solar Panels increase home value in New Zealand?

Here at Harrisons Solar, we teamed up analyse thousands of homes where we have installed Solar to see what impact installing a Harrisons Solar System has on the value of a home. We compared the houses sold after Solar Panels were placed with the other comparable in the area and found out that, on average,Harrisons Solar increased the home's selling price by 4.4% or $35K. The Top-10 houses increased by an average of 45%; the lowest ten still increased by an average of $10,000.

Increase your property value now

Property owners who invest in Solar technology are making a significant difference in the value of their property. So what are you waiting for?

Contact the Harrisons team todayfor a free, no-obligation, in-home consultation – ask about our interest-free payment options and regional council or finance payment plans – and take the first step in slashing your power bill and saving the planet!.

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How solar technology has advanced and what it can do for you?
How solar effects your home’s value?
How to get started?
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