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The Benefits Of Solar Energy For The Environment


One of the main things about Solar energy that homeowners and our customers love is the savings on their monthly power bill. However, switching to Solar goes far beyond that. Here are some of the ways installing a Solar energy System in your home will help you make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to the global effort to reduce the effects of climate change.

The advantages of Solar power for the environment

Solar energy is a renewable option, so it doesn't deplete natural resources

There is enough sunlight hitting the Earth in one hour to power a year's worth of energy needs for the entire planet! And, the sun isn't going anywhere anytime soon. When we use Solar energy, we are taking pressure off power grids that don't use renewable energy sources. While most electricity (currently about 84%and counting) in New Zealand comes from renewable sources, our power grid is still responsible for the depletion of some non-renewable resources such as coal or oil. It's certainly better for the Earth to use power sources that won't run out!

Solar power reduces pollution

Solar power Systems don't release any compounds that harm the environment and our health. Coal, oil and other fossil fuels release harmful greenhouse gases that damage our ozone layer, contribute to global warming and pollute our local air. By using Solar power, you arenot relying on energy sourcesthat damage the environment or human health.

Solar energy reduces water and land usage

Although hydropower and nuclear power are renewable energy options, both require a lot of water to produce electricity. Also, hydropower usually requires dams to be built, which alters the local natural ecoSystem and destroys land-based habitats.

Solar energy Systems do not use any water to run and are generally installed on established buildings, so do not require the use of any extra land.

Can Solar power be bad for the environment?

The main negative effects of Solar power on the environment come from the manufacture and disposal of Solar Panels. Manufacturing requires using land for factories and some water is used to make Solar PV components. Solar Panels also require the use of some toxic materials, although most countries have strict regulations that ensure these materials are used and disposed of responsibly. When comparing the environmental impact of Solar Panels during these periods of their life cycle versus the environmental benefits reaped during their period of use, it is clear that Solar Panels have many more pros than cons!

Bottom line, switching to a Solar energy System will reduce your household's carbon footprint and help slow down climate change and all of the harmful effects that non-renewable energy sources have on the Earth's ecoSystems.

Enjoy the environmental benefits of Solar power with Harrisons Solar

Learn more bygetting in touchwith the Harrisons Solar team. We deliver exceptional customer service and would love to share our knowledge about Solar energy Systems with you!

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