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Solar Is Serious About Reducing Your Power Bills


Between 2000 and 2012 power bills increased by 118% in nominal terms. A large part of your monthly expenses is down to your power bill and looking at these numbers, it statistically doesn't look like power is going to go down anytime soon. No wonder Solar power is one of the world's fastest growing energy resources!

Thousands of New Zealanders are making the long term commitment toSolar energyand taking advantage of the 2,000 hours of bright, radiant sunshine each year found in many locations around the country. Some areas receive even more. Best of all, Solar produces all year round so you are able to maximise your savings.

You may be thinking “But there is less sunlight in the winter – and this is when I really want to reduce those bills!” Not a problem.Solar Panelsdo generate the most electricity on clear days with more sunshine (not surprisingly), but on a cloudy winter day Solar Panels can still produce energy.

It makes more sense than ever before to have a Solar PV System installed at your home. Prices have dropped significantly since 2007 and have a shorter payback period, meaning Solar provides a fantastic return. So instead of earning minimum interest in the bank, (or none at all!), have your money working smarter and harder for you byinvesting in Solar powerand saving on electricity all year round.

Things to consider when thinking about investing in Solar Panels:

  • How strong is the warranty? You've chosen Solar power to reduce your power bills for many years to come, so you'll be needing a warranty which can support this.
  • Has it been made from a well-known brand? Companies such as LG is a world leader in Solar Panel manufacturing with over 20 years experience in the field. Quality brands also meet the latest New Zealand water heating standards for design and construction.
  • Is the property free from shade and exposed to the sun all year?
  • Do any trees need to be removed beforehand to maximise the Solar output?

There are other easy ways to cut down on power consumption and be environmentally responsible as well:

  • Choose energy efficient LED light bulbs.
  • Choose Energy Star 3+ rated home appliances. It's worth noting that Energy Star qualified fridge/freezers use up to 40% less energy than other models.
  • Set up power management features - like putting your computer into ‘sleep mode' after a certain period of inactivity. Or purchasing a heated towel rail timer so the rail isn't using heat all day if you forget switch it off.
  • 用你的干衣机只有当你真正需要的to. Hang your washing out to dry on sunny winter days.
  • Turn off lights you're not using (such as in hallways or bathrooms).
  • Installthermal curtains and blindsto help keep the warm air from escaping through your windows. Our sister company, Harrisons Curtains have a huge range to choose from and one of their specialist comes to your home to give the best advice and accurate measuring.
  • Close doors if you are wanting to heat one particular room. It will heat quicker and stay warmer for longer. Plus, if you are feeling a breeze around your windows, visit your local hardware store for a range of easy to use product to stop that draft coming through.
  • Consider adding a hot water timer on your hot water cylinder. With a timer, your hot water cylinder will run when you need it most, helping you save money and power.

If you are more aware of these things, you are sure to find other areas where you can save too.

So how much are you likely to save? A good start is to try our online Solar calculator for a quick estimate of what you can realistically save annually. There are a range of products to choose from so booking one of mobile home Solar power consultants to give you a free onsite consultation and quote - as well as explain the best Solar options for your property.

Go Solar for as little as $4.50 a day, check out ourlatest dealand start saving for the future!

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How solar effects your home’s value?
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