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New Zealanders Tell Their Solar Stories


We're more assured when we see how a product has worked for someone - just like us. Their experiences are relatable and hey if all the hard work and research into a product has already been done for you – why not use it?

Here's a range of New Zealanders who took the plunge and investing in Solar, how the installation process was for them and what energy-saving results they have seen.

Meet Bill – Papakura, Auckland

Ex-army man, Bill, spoke to Harrisons Solar expertNerum Bonesetter, and had LG Panels installed onto the roof of his family home. Bill appreciated the Solar options and advice Nerum gave him, including the use of ‘Smart Switch' which means Bills hot water cylinder only works for 2.5 hours each day, giving hot water when he needs it and saving on heating costs when he doesn't.

Meet Jo and Richard – Ponsonby, Auckland

A major renovation was the perfect time to future-proof their home. The Harrisons consultation included how, what and why Solar would work for them. The couple was attracted to the fact each Solar Panel worked independently so even if one Panel was shaded, the remaining Panels continued to generate power for them and their two children.

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Meet Brenna and Andrew – Blenheim

Solar experts,Guy and Nikki Jacobsonmade sure Brenna and Andrew were going to get the best out of their new Solar Panels. Explaining the installation process, answering all their questions and teaching them how to read the Solar app made the entire experience clear and concise.

Meet Les and Christine – Wellington

A year after installing LG Panels, Les and Christine contacted Harrisons again about Solar battery advice. They wanted to take advantage of the surplus power their home was generating and use it to charge the family EV.

Even with the initial outlay of the Powerwall, their monthly power savings show a far better return than having the money in the bank. Plus, It's tax-free!

For more customer testimonials visit our项目页面on the website. Switch to a sustainable power source and have a HarrisonsSolar expertvisit your home for a no-obligation free consultation.

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How to make the right choice for your home
How solar technology has advanced and what it can do for you?
How solar effects your home’s value?
How to get started?
And more!

How we have helped our customers

Hear from some of our customers on how solar has slashed their power bill.

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