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How Much Solar Panels Will Save You?


We are sure that at that point in time, everyone already has heard about all the incredible benefits of going Solar from each and every source possible.

Still, the main reason for going Solar is coping with the rising power costs and the desire to slash that power bill. So, the most popular we get is: "How much money will I save with Solar?" And the simple answer is going Solar could reduce your monthly energy bills by 40-70%, and in some cases not only wipe out your power bill but even give you a monthly credit!

Let's hear from some real people who have installed Solar Panels and are getting the most of it!

Tim Hawker from Ohariu:

"Previously, we were spending $3k on power and $7k on petrol for two cars per year. Now we're spending $1.5k on power per year, including fuel for two EVs.

Living rural, we've had a few 6+ hour power cuts since install, and the System has backed up our essential loads perfectly. Even with 80% renewable power in NZ, the remaining 20% is quite dirty.

The environmental payback period compared to the grid is faster than initially expected (About 4-5 years for the Panels, same again for the batteries)".

Brett and Tania Woodend

"Thanks, Harrisons. We are very pleased with our new Solar Panels. We chose Harrisons due to your high-quality products and reliable backup if we need it. We had some minor issues with our hot water timer, which was sorted quickly by Adam. Our power bill has reduced from $240 in December to $14.79 in February".

Phill and Stacey Brown, Hastings

We had 9 Panels and a Primo inverter (3.1KW) System installed around a month ago. Our last power bill dropped (from 2019) to $75 down from $165, and this included a number of cloudy days! The service has been top-notch, with no hassles. Harrisons looked after us!"

Geoff Lowe Hobsonville

We've now had the System for a year, and we couldn't be happier. I love watching the Tesla app to check on the power we're generating, using, storing and selling back to the grid. Our average power bills dropped from $500 a month at our previous house to an annual average of $150 a month in the new house. It was a little higher in winter and a lot lower in summer - the bill for January this year was $33.48. December was $45.16. That covers four of us, and we're running a spa pool and a fully ducted A/C System. Plus, we are now finally driving on sunlight'!

That's great for them, but how much can YOU save!?

Your needs are specific, and one size doesn't fit all. Use ourcalculatorto find out the Solar potential of your home!

Ready to slash your power bill?

Our Solar energy System experts are happy to answer any questions you may have about Solar Panels. The Harrisons Solar team will visit your property to give you an accurate quote and discuss your Solar energy needs in person!

Contact usto book a free at-home consultation.

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