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Fun & Futuristic Solar Panels To Inspire Your Solar Design


Need some inspiration on where to put your Solar Panels? Futuristic Solar Panels generate energy without compromising design and can be installed in various innovative ways. Read on to discover some of the best examples of where to install your Solar Panels.

Solar Canopies

A Solar canopy is an outdoor structure that can hold up Solar Panels while allowing the space underneath them to be utilised. Solar carports are a popular Solar canopy used today. This futuristic Solar Panel solution is often attached to commercial buildings like shopping malls and supermarkets. They are particularly prevalent amongst electric vehicle owners, as the Solar energy generated can be used to charge their vehicles. Other common examples of Solar canopies include gazebos and patios that provide shade.

Solar canopies are also an excellent solution for those looking for an alternative to roof Solar Panels. Many roofs have design limitations or require maintenance, so installing Solar Panels be challenging. To avoid this hassle, you can install a Solar canopy on another part of your property to provide the energy you need.

Photovoltaic Slates

The roof is the prominent place to position your Solar tiles, as it will likely catch the sun all day. However, not everyone enjoys the look of bulky traditional Solar Panels on their roof. Photovoltaic slates are a newer innovation that offers a solution to this issue. Photovoltaic slates are small Solar Panels that look exactly like regular roof tiles. While traditional Solar Panels are placed on top of your existing roof, PV slates incorporate into the roof itself. They can be highly customised to achieve the exact roof design you want for your home. Photovoltaic slate technology is still relatively new, so it can be hard to come across in NZ (and expensive), but we expect to see a lot more of this around the country in the future!

Solar Skins

Solar skins are an excellent option for covering the Solar Panels on your roof without compromising the amount of sun they will get. These skins can be programmed to display an image of your choice and made to look exactly like the roof underneath your Solar Panels. They can effectively camouflage those unsightly Solar Panels while maintaining significant efficiency. The skins also add an extra layer of protection to keep your Panels performing at their best.

Ready to Go Solar?

Solar technology is exciting, and it is constantly developing and getting better. If you want to harness the power of Solar energy for your home or business, Harrisons can help. At Harrisons Solar, we are dedicated to creating better Kiwi homes and putting the power back in the hands of Kiwi consumers. We will visit you when you want and tailor a highly efficient, year-round residential orcommercial Solar solution.

Put the power of creating a healthy home back in your hands with futuristic Solar Panels.Book a free in-home Solar assessmentat Harrisons Solar today and talk to our team for expert advice.

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