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Cut Your Skyrocketing Winter Power Bills With Harrisons Solar!


With the combination of temperatures cooling down, working from home and more time indoors, our power bills skyrocket through the winter months! No matter if we reduce our dryer usage or turning off the lights, nothing seems to make a dent. Huge power bills are something that we all want to avoid.

When going Solar, not only is it a better option for the environment but a great investment for your wallet! You get to harness the sun's power and create your own energy. Going Solar means power savings and a warm winter ahead. It's a no brainer, and we're here to help!

Hear from our customers to see what power bill savings they have made when the switch to Solar:

Geoff Lowe

From Hobsonville

"...We've now had the System for a year and we couldn't be happier. I love watching the Tesla app to check on the power we're generating, using, storing and selling back to the grid. Our average power bills dropped from $500 a month at our previous house to an annual average of $150 a month in the new house. It was a little higher in winter and a lot lower in summer - the bill for January this year was $33.48. December was $45.16. That covers four of us and we're running a spa pool and a fully ducted A/C System. Plus we are now finally driving on sunlight!"

Les and Christine Newman

From Wellington

“We decided to fit Solar Panels after speaking to friends who have had them in their house for a few years. We added a Tesla Power Wall 2 to take advantage of the surplus generation over demand so that we can power our home day and night. The bonus is we can now charge our Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV overnight from the Solar power stored. This has worked out better than we expected and most spring, summer and autumn months we have small power bills of around $20. And in winter we have halved our previous power bills. Would we recommend Solar Panels and a battery? Yes, as the monthly savings we have made show a far better return than having the money in the bank and the interest you would earn from the bank is taxed whereas the savings from the Solar Panels is tax free. Another bonus is that we are protected from power cuts on the grid.”

Phillip and Christine

From Hastings

"...We went ahead and it's the best thing we ever did. Our power bills have been reduced by over 70%. Winter and summer it's amazing, and by the way, it adds value to your property. We aren't that brilliant when it comes to techno things but it's not really techno, it's simple. We don't have to do anything other than get a big surprise when our power bill comes through."

Want to know how much you could save?

One size doesn't fit all, use ourcalculatorto find out the Solar potential of your home!

Get prepared for winter and cut your power bill!

Our Solar experts will answer any questions you may have about Solar and find the best Solar solution for your needs.

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How we have helped our customers

Hear from some of our customers on how solar has slashed their power bill.

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